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How Primary Care Providers Can Help With Preventive Care

Regardless of age or sex, there are preventive health measures that should be taken to avoid illness and detect possible health problems as early as possible. Preventive healthcare begins with your primary care physician, as this is the doctor you will create a relationship with and see most often.


For this reason, having a primary care physician is very important. As the first line of defense against potential health problems, your primary care physician can determine a preventive care plan for you and your family.



Regular Checkups


Preventive care is focused on monitoring your health regularly. While we tend to know our body’s, the majority of us are not medically trained. For this reason, regular checkups with a primary care physician is the best way to ensure you are having your overall health monitored on a regular basis.



Scheduled Screenings


On top of regular checkups, it is important to get scheduled screenings, including physicals. These scheduled screenings can help document your overall health to provide a reference for comparison and provide an opportunity to see changes. Comprehensive tests such as physicals assist with identifying trends and specific changes to your body to detect any possible health problems.



Age Specific Health Tests


While preventive care is important at every age, it becomes more important as we age. From mammogram tests to prostate exams, your primary care physician will ensure you are getting the correct tests are the right age.


We like to think that we will not get sick or will know when we need to go to the doctor, but the truth is, in order to remain healthy, preventive care is essential. A primary care physician is the doctor will ensure you have a preventive care plan in place.