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Your Personal Guide to 3 Different Types of Bariatric Surgery

Did you know that almost 54% of adults in the U.S. are trying to lose excess weight? Some of these people might have success with non-surgical methods, but if you’ve tried everything and still can’t lose the weight, perhaps bariatric surgery is right for you.

Whether you’re struggling with serious medical issues related to your weight or you’re simply ready to move onto a new chapter in your weight loss journey, there are a lot of things to consider. First and foremost, what kind of bariatric surgery is right for you. To help you with that, we’ve compiled a list of three different bariatric procedures and how they work.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

When you elect to have a sleeve gastrectomy performed, you’ll be removing part of your stomach. This procedure involves separating a portion of the stomach and removing it from the body. The remaining stomach tissue is a tube-like structure, effectively creating a smaller stomach that cannot hold as much food. In addition, the sleeve gastrectomy reduces physical appetite by removing the part of the stomach that makes a hormone called ghrelin, an appetite stimulation hormone.

Gastric Bypass

The gastric bypass is considered the gold standard of bariatric surgery. This procedure involves stapling across the top portion of the stomach to create a small pouch. A portion of the intestine is brought up and attached to the pouch. The gastric bypass works in two ways with restriction and malabsorption. The small pouch limits food intake while the intestinal re-routing limits the amount of food absorbed in the body.

Lap Band Surgery

This is perhaps the least invasive of all the bariatric surgeries in that it only involves placing an adjustable silicone band around the patient’s stomach. This effectively restricts the stomach, which will force patients to eat less. If overeating does occur, a patient may experience feelings of nausea or even vomit.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

This is the most dramatic of the surgical options. The Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch is a sleeve gastrectomy with a longer gastric bypass. It requires aggressive follow-up and strict adherence to a vitamin regimen.

Each of these procedures holds a wide range of results and side effects. That means you need to think long and hard, as well as consult with your doctors and surgeon, before choosing any one of them. Choosing the right procedure could change your life forever!